Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My First Real Meal

I made my first meal of entirely real food!

I found the recipes on a real-food site recommended to me by a dear real-foodie friend,

www.NourishedKitchen.com. You can find all the recipes I used under the "Recipes" tab.

I made the Moroccan Roasted Chicken...

The Green Beans with Shallots and Bacon...

And then (not from the site) my own little smashed fingerling potato yumminess...

For the smashed potatoes, boil them until just about fork tender, drain and cool them, then smash them with the palm of your hand slightly to make them uniformly flat.

Heat a couple tbsp of olive oil, two whole garlic cloves and a few shakes of red pepper flakes in a skillet until garlic is just starting to brown, then remove garlic. Add potatoes, salt and pepper to skillet and saute on both sides until golden brown and crispy.

It's delightful, doesn't take nearly as long as roasting them in the oven, and is way more interesting than straight up mashed potatoes. A lovely side, indeed.

I've also been enjoying a breakfast most mornings this week of homemade whole-wheat bread with fresh, unhomogenized whole-milk mozzarella. Real food is the goooooood.

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